Common Albums
Adam and Eve's Music Shop
Heavenly music at sinfully low prices
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Please put a meaningful subject line in your e-mail, something along the lines of "record order", so I know this is a serious e-mail and not spam/junk that gets instantly deleted.

On rare occasion (maybe 1 out of 100), I receive an e-mail such that when I respond it bounces back at me. This has something to do with the way different e-mail servers communicate with each other. If you do not hear from me within 24 hours, I'd suggest you send me a second e-mail with a phone #. I WILL NOT call you unless for some reason my e-mail response to your initial inquiry bounces back at me. I much prefer to do business by e-mail as my phone line is frequently tied up and I can be difficult to contact by phone. I value your business and don't want you to feel as though you are being ignored. As of 3/21/2019: You may email me at:

OR (if the above doesn't work or no response within 24 hours)

OR (if neither of the above two do not work)

You can either cut and paste the above addresses into your to: field on your e-mail, or try the links below. Some folks have reported their computers don't handle the clickable links below, so I'd recommend typing in either of the three links above. Thanks!


First: E-mail me! Second: Email me! Third: E-mail me!